100 strangers 3 of 100 is Mariah who works at a local coffee shop slinging lattes. My wife and I go into this shop most every weekend because we like their lattes and because the people that own it and those whom they hire are just awesome people. A few weeks ago when we were having some coffees my wife pointed out Mariah and mentioned that I should ask her for a stranger photo. Agreed; Mariah is not only beautiful, but she also has a distinctly unique look about her.
The problem, though, is that this place is usually quite busy. However this past weekend we managed to come it at a time between rushes. I took advantage of the lull and asked Mariah if she would be willing to do a Stranger photo. She enthusiastically agreed.

Technical asides: I just recently purchased an 85mm lens and the shots I did with Mariah were the first people shots I’ve done with it. Thus far, I think I’m going to be quite happy with it.
Being midday the light was a bit problematic, so we found a shady spot on the side of the building in front of a wall covered with ivy. The ivy covered wall was fortuitous in that not only did it provide a serviceable background, but the color of the ivy tied in nicely with the color of Mariah’s eyes.
I took a total of 49 shots in about 6 minutes. It seems like a lot, but in situations like this I typically fire off 3 or 4 shot bursts. The reason I do that is you give yourself an opportunity to capture subtle expressions that you would otherwise miss.
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